
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday night sports Dump- Thank you for your Service!
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
it's another 3 segments of sports dumpitude!
1. Quincy Miller from Texas talks college football because...he's from Texas. We go over the big games this weekend and take shots at Saban as often as we can.
2. (21:00 minutes)- It's Maximum Football with the Football Consiglieri @Profootballmax1, who give us his picks and makes a BIG prediction for Justin Hebert!
3. (38:10)- The Long Awaited (?) return of Givin' Props, the segment where Brad Morris and I give you some alternative betting options to the regular run of the mill Vegas bookmakers. *any gambling you do based on this segment is not recommended. We are idiots.

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
We've got three guests with three separate segments! Next week these will all be shorter (play at 2x this week) in order....
Lauren Flans- starts the show with some light chatter about Kyrie Irving and Anti Semitism!!! (first time we've had to put that in an intro)- this segment is about 8% sports.
Nooch talks NBA- with our two weeks late NBA preview. We also talk about Kyrie, but more about how he's a team killing narcissist who thinks he's smarter than he is- this segment is about 49-51% sports.
Pro Football Max- Joins us to go over the weekend slate of games. No mention of Kyrie and this segment is 108% sports!

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Sports Dump College Football ”Preview” w/ Quincy Miller
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
If you are expecting your run of the mill College football preview you've obviously never listened to this podcast.
we're joined by Quincy Miller who attended USC when they were good and also is from Texas, so he's got football in his blood (also troubling levels of potassium for some reason). We talk about a lot of teams in before making the same predictions everyone else does for the playoff. No! there's actually a surprise pick! topics include.
-Texas a&m vs Texas
- Nebraska getting shit on by the irish press
-lots of new qb's
-Alabama is good, who would have guessed
- Brian Kelly might not make it through the season at LSU
-oklahoma, texas, miami, nebraska again, clemson, miami, notre dame, USC, Utah are also teams we rip on.. maybe a couple others.

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Sports Dump NBA transaction reactions and Aaron Rogers tattoo explained (?)
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Joe and Nooch examine the NBA free agency and Nooch does a surprise new segment called "sneaky surprises" - after we figure out what he means by "alphabetical". He follows that up with another incredible segment called "bad bounces" or "a better name we think of later"
and the last 7 minutes or so are spent breaking down Aaron Rogers' mid life crisis: exhibit W: The Tattoo.

Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sports Dump- Father’s Day ”if you need to get away from your kids” episoded
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
2x Dad Joe talks with Dan (no kids that we know of) about having DAVE THOMAS (SCTV) on his other podcast and how he tried to get Dan to send Dave a gift for no reason. Then we review the NBA finals- spend 30 seconds acknowledging Hockey- Talk about how we should be enjoying the WORLD CUP right now but it's 130 degrees in Quatar so....
Finally we discuss how the NFL owns the off season, by having horrible stories come out every month or so.
give us a 5 star rating for fathers day!

Friday May 27, 2022
Sports Dump - Well what do you know?
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Just when you thought about deleting the podcast we bring you back in with a rundown of almost all the sports you can name (i'm assuming you don't know many sports) I'm joined by my old pal Quincy (a Texas longhorns fan) and we discuss how depressingly similar Nebraska and Texas football have been since 2009. Then we get into Josh Donaldson (worst yankee ever? sadly probably not) and how the NFL seems to squash stories better than anyone.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Sports Dump Slightly Late NBA Finals predictions
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
I was supposed to put this up yesterday but I had a kidney stone and was in the fetal position most of the day. But that is a story for another day (tomorrow?).
For TODAY-After nooch comes on briefly to give his NBA finals predictions he leaves and comes back several times just to ruin the show. Then Brad Morris and I talk about the most recent Sports Comedy job that we were fired from (there have been several).
then we give our nba picks and talk just a little bit of baseball, but not enough to make you take a nap. Just short of that.

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Sports Dump Baseball previewesqe episode! and goodbye Coach K and Lebron!
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
it's been a while but this is the first episode i've dropped during the friday evening news DUMP, which is probably the best time for a dump titled show.
after spending 5ish minutes catching you up on the world of sports (spoiler: still as dumb as always) we then move to our
BASEBALL season opening celebration of what used to be America's past time, theoretically.
rather than bore you with predictions of who will win or lose what, this season I'd rather bore you by sharing a little known fact* about each and every team playing this season, even the shitty ones!
* the "facts", in some cases, may actually be "alternative facts" also known as lies. but most of the tidbits are real, or at least plausible in some version of this universe. - enjoy!

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Sports Dump NCAA BRACKET reactions and Tom Brady needs attention
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
I'm joined by our college basketball expert Nooch for an instant reaction to the NCAA tournament brackets and of course the sports world can't go 2 months without Tom Brady crying for attention, then we get some surprise information about Prince being alive and living in a huge underground cavern (!) before we end on a tour of valuable sports artifacts in Nooch's closet (check out the episode on YouTube for video).

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Sports Dump- QB carosel and talking cleanses with Gareth Reynolds.
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
We (joe and producer Quincy) catch up on all the big sports news and point out that even a labor dispute resolution in baseball isn't bigger news than the CARSON FING WENTZ trade!!!.
and speaking of unvaccinated QB's, I talk about aaron rogers and disgusting body cleanses with comedian and co host of the Dollop Podcast, Gareth Reynolds.