
Monday Oct 12, 2020
SPORTS DUMP OCT 12-No one cares Lebron made history apparently?
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
On to the NFL... seems to be the order of the day as ESPN and others want you to dwell on the horrific ankle injury of Dak Prescott instead of the greatness of LeBron. We got some jokes from the weekend and why does 2020 just keep killing Hall of Fame Baseball players? Every major sport has proven they can get through a season with a pandemic...........except for football.
More content on the way this week! Apologies in advance! Subscribe rate review on @itunes and follow on twitter @sportsdumpshow and go to sportsdump.com for other shit!

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
The Sports Dump- October SURPRISE! WE ARE STILL HERE!
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
If you've followed from the beginning you know that the sports dump is know for our "Resets". It might be due to format changes, rare other work that interrupts this free content (we have a patreon, with no patrons), a pandemic maybe or in this latest unplanned break, it was my computer crashing. AND SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED! Luckily Nooch is here to break down where we are in every sport and we even recreate our famous NBA finals picks from months ago because I'm too lazy to find the recording. fun to be back, subscribe rate and review please and follow our twitter @sportsdumpshow

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Daily Sports Dump- Keeping it Chicago with comedian Joe Kilgallon!
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
The Sports Dump introduces their "Contemporary Baseball insider" Joe Kilgallon joins me for a quick talk on the 85 bears (I've been trying to troll bears fans unsuccessfully this week), before we jump into baseball and try to figure out why the Cubs are good. Not sure if we do but there are a lot of interesting detours throughout this episode. We finish up by telling the story of the cursed ping pong table that Joe K sold to Joe C years ago.

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Daily(?) Sports Dump- Fantasy football (kind of) with Dave "hollywood" Stassen!
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
We are delighted to have....any guests really, but especially so for Dave Stassen, writer and producer who has worked on The Mindy Project and 10-17 or so other MAJOR productions. He also plays in a fantasy football league that has hired JOE (i know) to run their Auction draft every year. This year it was on zoom so everyone heard all the insults Joe added after their selections. Could be the last time he does this. We also take some amusing tangents as I realize Dave is an alum of the same school as my ex wife.
Nooch is here too!

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Daily Sports Dump Sept4- Messi disappoints but we won't!
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
So after our incredible episode speculating where the worlds most famous athlete will go, he went nowhere. Thanks again Soccer. But there is dumb stuff in sports everywhere and we are happy to be part of that dumb stuff. Nooch and I give you the usual whip around the leagues. We also talk about how hard an auction draft on zoom will surely be.

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Daily Sports Dump-All sports get at least 10 seconds, some deserve less!
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
I'm Joined by Nooch as we take a whirlwind ride around the world of sports.
-base ball is in the home stretch?
-football is a week away?
-Playoff hockey getting overshadowed (10 sec)
-Messi situation still messy (11 sec)
-so they are really going to play College football?
*Best for last. Nooch tries to guess the second half of the names of all the KY derby entrants. by KY I mean Kentucky, of course.

Friday Aug 28, 2020
Daily Sports Dump- Our most "MESSI"episode ever. Where will Lionel go?!?
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Honestly this is one of our best episodes ever. I'm joined by co host Nooch and Lauren Flans from the "Coming Out" pod. When we start they are soccer novices, but by the end they know a little more, thanks to Brendan Hunt from Apple TV's hit series "Ted Lasso". First Brendan finds the perfect Soccer team for Dan to root for and then we figure out where one of the greatest soccer players in history is going to play this season. Lots of funny detours on the trip!
follow us on twitter @sportsdumpshow. rate review and shit like that!

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Daily (ish) Sports Dump- NBA Players make a statement! We are here for it!
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Nooch and I talk about the breaking news of the NBA (and some other sports) taking the night off to protest continued police brutality.
Don't worry, although we support the protests our episode is pure idiocy pure and simple, if you like that kind of thing.

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Daily Sports Dump Champions league and sports people know with NOOCH!
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Getting this in under the wire because I screwed up my computer. Anyway we get some great breakdown of the MLB clusterfuck, 35 seconds on the NHL playoffs, about the same for College Football and then we get into the NBA playoffs. It's all very stupid thanks to the hosts. Subscribe rate and review and follow us at @sportsdumpshow on twitter or go to thesportsdump.com for more content!

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
A little different format today as we just list the news stories in sports and then laugh at them.
-Baseball, the Cards have to play 55 games in 44 days!
-College football- Ha!
-Pro football- Bubbles FORM!
and more! with Dan Antonucci.
and we're on Youtube now at The Sports Dump Channel.